The campaign for Sciences Po’s four permanent bureaus (BDE, BDA, AS, SPE) started on Friday. Over the course of the next week, the teams competing to lead these associations at the center of campus life will host events on campus and around the city of Reims. Jacob Hartley and Aurore Laborie of the Sundial’s News section have compiled a comprehensive overview of each campaign week event for the next week:
ALL WEEK LONG —> Slackline + ET phone home bike challenge (ET)
7h45 Free Breakfast EVERY MORNING (Toystoreims)
08h Morning Routine (ASAP)
08h-19h Artivism Day (Wondartland)
10h-12h10 // 13h15-17h30 Silent Disco at the Old Cafeteria (Sciences Flow)
10h30-15h Beach Party in front of the cafeteria (Toy Storeims & Sportacus)
12h Collab with Yves Rocher (ET)
12h Pita Pit (ASAP + Greenades)
12h15 YOGA (ET)
12h15h Basic First Aid (ASAP)
12-16h Roller Disco at the Student Lounge (Toystoreims + ASAP)
12h & 17h30 Boxing Workshop in front of the cafeteria (Sportacus)
13h Photo Booth (ET)
17h20-20 Crepes after class at Brasserie Saint Maurice (Sciences Flow)
18h Bio cookie delivery (ET)
18h-12h Party at the Chalet (Anartists)
20h Movie Screening at Residium Breakfast Room (Sportacus)
20h E-Sport (ASAP)
20h-23h Speak for Art Chill Night at Residium (Wondartland)
20h30 Delivereims (Toystoreims)
Make Some Green Music in front of the cafeteria (Anartists & Greenades)
08h Morning Routine (ASAP)
09h-11h Improv Baguette and Poetry in Salle des Actes (Wondartland)
10h Meditation at the Old Courtyard (Sportacus)
10h OMA on Campus (Toystoreims)
10h10-17h20 (D101A) // 17h20-20h30 (I302) Fifa Tournament (Sciences Flow)
11h30 Disco Soup in front of Campus (Greenades)
12h-13h Pimp My Cake in front of campus (Anartists)
12h-14h Rextaurant (Toystoreims)
12h-17h Photo Booth : Destructive Creation in the Salle des Actes (Anartists)
Lunch Zumba at New Courtyard (Wondartland)
12h40 Zumba in front of the cafeteria (Sportacus)
Whole afternoon – Recycled instruments crafting in front of campus (Greenades)
13h15-17h20 Sciences Plage (ASAP)
18h15 Run Champetre (Sportacus + Greenades)
18h30 Film Screening and Environmental debate (ET)
19h-01h Les Copains D’abord at Le Cabasson (Toy Storeims & Wondartland)
20h Dinner at Laura Tirollois’ house (Greenades)
20h30 First Dive (ASAP)
21h-02h Throwback Tuesday at La Bodega (Sciences Flow & ASAP)
08h Morning Routine (ASAP)
10h OMA on Campus (Toystoreims)
10h-12h10 (Salle des Actes) // 13h15-18h30 (Old Cafeteria) Spa Day (Sciences Flow)
11h30 Cooking Class in front of campus (Sportacus + Greenades)
Lunch Riff-off contest at Old Courtyard (Wondartland)
12h Insect tasting (ET) + Capoeira (Toy Storeims) in front of the cafeteria
12h-14h Primart in the glass hallway (Anartists) + Rextaurant presents Chilli Sin Carne (Toy Storeims)
12h15 Questions pour un Champion (ASAP)
12h-14h Rextaurant (Toystoreims)
Whole Afternoon – green massage at Dankos (Greenades)
13-14h Comedian Camille Pelicier (Anartists)
17h Workout (ET) + Athletism workshop in front of cafeteria (Sportacus)
18h Initiation Stand up Paddle (ASAP)
19h Apero Musical at the Vegetable (Wond’artland & Greenades) followed by movie screening of Demain and a debate
20h Le Cochon a Plumes (ASAP)
20h30-0h30 Wine and Board Games at the Gin Pamp (Sciences Flow)
23h Casa Del Papel Club Night at the Atrium (ET & Toy Storeims & ASAP & Wondartland)
10h Morning Routine (ASAP)
10h-11h Dance Workshop Studio 511 in the Old Refectory (Anartists)
112h-15h International BBQ in front of campus (Greenades & Wondartland & Sciences Flow)
12h ET movie screening (ET & Toy Storeims)
12h Bar a salade (ASAP & Greenades)
12h-14h Rextaurant (Toystoreims)
12h-17h Teqball in the Courtyard (Sportacus)
12h15-13h15 Manifesto and Q&A in the glass hallway (Anartists)
12h15 Archery Contest + Massage (ASAP)
13h-14h Dance Workshop Studio 511 in the Old Refectory (Anartists)
Whole Afternoon Break This Record in cafeteria and old courtyard (Sportacus & Sciences Flow)
16h Blind tasting in front of campus (Greenades)
18h Zero Waste BBQ in front of campus (Greenades)
20h Saint Maurice (ASAP)
20h30 Pizza Night (ET)
19h-2h Free Buffet at the Bodega (Toy Storeims)
20h Bar Night at the Gin Pamp Bar (Sportacus)
Around 21h-23h Chill Drinks at The Kilberry (Sciences Flow)
21h-midnight Tech Me Out at Rhumerie (Wondartland)
Around 23h-02h International Bonanza at The Loft (Sciences Flow)
Entire Day Easter Egg Hunt at New Courtyard (Sciences Flow)
Entire Morning Photobooth (Sportacus)
Dodo day (Sciences Flow & Greenades) Greenades will participate with organic cosmetics, a yoga class and brunch
9h Salsa Class (ASAP)
9h-12h Residium Free Brunch (Toy Storeims)
Lunch Open Mic in Salle des Actes (Wondartland)
12h Bike Repair + Vide Dressing (ET & ASAP)
12h-14h Rextaurant (Toystoreims)
12h40 Tombola in the glass hallway (Sportacus)
13h Yoga class at the Refectory (Greenades)
13h15-until Photo Booth with Pajamas at Peniche (Sciences Flow)
13h15 Escape romme (ASAP)
13h15-19h30 Board Games in Cafet (Toystoreims)
14h Video Games and Chess in working room
17h-22h The Art Factory at Yellow House (Wondartland)
18h Bio Cookie Delivery (ET)
18h-20h African Buffet at 39 Rue Houzeau Muiron (Sciences Flow & ASAP)
20h Dinner at Marie Royal’s house (Greenades)
21h Open Your Mic at the Killbery (Anartists)
21h Surprise (ASAP)
21h30-until Appartathon Collégiades at various location around Centre-Ville
8h30-19h Trip D’Orient at the Parc d’Orient (Toy Storeims & Anartists & ASAP & Greenades)
12h-15h Patate.s at the Parc de la Basilique Saint-Rémi (Toy Storeims & Greenades)
15h Mystery event at the Parc de Champagne (All Lists)
20h-12h Grammy Awards at the Café des Artistes (Toy Storeims & Wondartland & Greenades & Sportacus)
20h-? Surprise! At Unknown Location (Sciences Flow)
Breakfast at Yours (Wondartland)
Massages & Stretching (Sportacus)
9h30 Massage workshop at Residium (Greenades)
09h-12h Sunday Brunchin’ either behind Cathedral, 34 rue Colbert, or Residum (Sciences Flow)
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